i love the zoo! i also love taking my kids. something about the animals is magical.

this was cracking me up. the baboons were a big attraction for the kids. they were in awe of their "pink bottoms". when i spotted Madeline and this guy staring longingly at each other it just melted my heart. Maddie is such a little softy, she really loves with her whole heart.
i hope they don't ever consider trying this with a real komodo dragon!
it's great that the phoenix zoo has all these little play areas. the kids come home nice and sleepy!
and of course, the petting zoo. Madeline is in heaven getting up close and personal with the goats.
this was Avery's first time really being able to get into it. it was fun watching her mimic Anna and Maddie. she is their constant shadow, learning the ways of the world through their behavior. good thing their behavior is so good!