Tuesday, June 15, 2010

the beach, the beach, the beach!

though June lived up to it's reputation and was gloomy most of our trip, we still made it out to the beach one day. Avery has very strong opinions about things. one thing: she hates sand. she basically whines while i hold her walking on sand, then screams when she thinks i'm putting her down on the sand, then realizes she's on a towel and becomes mildly amused with some toy i give her. she did not inherit this trait, the rest of us love everything beachy!!!we were joined by these two sweet babes:

this sequence of shots amuses me beyond words. this young man lost his body board, and Madeline (without prompting) ran to his assistance. she grabbed the board and stood by the water's edge waiting for him. then she politely handed it over. i did an okay job of capturing her philanthropy, but what i didn't realize i was capturing was the young lady in blue doing a cartwheel. that's cool too!

see what i mean, everyone but Avery loves the beach: (and Laine even really, really, loves sand)

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