Thursday, December 6, 2007

words that strike fear into a parents heart

and send you running into the room...

hearing these words set my mind racing, "where did she get makeup? how did she get it downstairs without me knowing? how much damage has been done?" to my shear delight, i discovered the "makeup" was nothing other than this:and my only duty was to guard against any eye poking. Maddie loved it, check her out, leaning into the lipstick portion of her makeover:i was also given a touch-up. and i couldn't stop laughing when i asked Anna, "how do i look?" she replied, "better!" i mean, you know it's bad when a 2 year old wielding a purple crayon can improve your looks! so there was no eye gouging, only giggles! a day for the blog.


Joanna said...

Very cute. I would have laughed at the "better" comment, too!

Tonya said...

cute post...

your blog looks super cute!!

I sent off your package today...something for you and the girls to have fun with...

