i found an old toss-away camera up in my cupboard and discovered pictures from a Cure show that Jason and I attended with Ali and Greg in August 2004. 
it was so weird to see ourselves a mere 4 years younger, but looking like teenagers with no bags under our eyes, no bloat from extra lbs., no worries really. ultimately, we may look 10 years older than our 4 years-younger selves, but it's all been worth it! at least for Jason and me, i think Nalu may have a hankering for the pre-baby days when apparently i used to lounge around with her all day showering her with attention. (funny, i barely remember it.)
but, maybe if she could talk, she'd say the eye poking, ear pulling, lack of 3 mile jogs and personal space, is all worth it too!!!

i love this...i was just thinking about that today as I recently feel very worked by what my body has been through over the last 5 years...
I think boob jobs...botox...teeth whitening...and daily massages should be in the contract somewhere!
I hear ya though...it is all worth it!
fun post! I have pics on the fridge of my cute, spunky, thin pre-baby self. It's suppossed to be motivating....but they just bring SIGHS everytime I see them.
Definately worth it! But mind and body changing none the less!
PS - would you tell me how to put cute "paper" or designs on the sides of my blog. Do you need special scrapbooking software?? Thanks!!
Erin - i followed the instructions on this site: http://sjhblogdesign.blogspot.com/ as for computer programs, WinZip is necessary after you download "paper" and i use a digi scrapbooking program called Scrapbook Factory. hope that helps!
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