Saturday, April 25, 2009

ladies weekend

while the "big girls" were away with their dad, mom had a little adventure of her own. my dearest friend Alison came to town and we did it all, saw a movie and went to dinner with Renee, stayed up 'til 3 and 1 in the morning, got pedicures, went shopping, talked and was a much needed break from the norm and time with my pal. i mentioned the pedicures, and this is funny, i always see these cute little designs on peoples' toes and that's totally out of my comfort zone, so i really wanted to try it out. this seemed like the perfect time. when i got to the salon, i grabbed a red polish and chickened out on the design because "red is different from pink." but Ali pushed me and i ended up with these:incidentally, she tried to chicken out of her choice: purple instead of red (out of her comfort zone) and i made her stick to her guns. i find this hilarious, such drama over toenails. fun times.


Joanna said...

Jealous you got to spend time with her...

Erin Burns said...

I'm totally laughing at this post. My girls always want me to get a flower or something on my toes and I always say "No....those aren't for me. You get one!" You've inspired me to indulge them next time!