Halloween was like a week long experience in the Earl household. we trunk-or-treated on Tues 

with Grandma and Grandpa Earl, (Anna was a kitty, and Madeline was a butterfly, i was a little over-protective of the borrowed fairy costumes). Friday we started the morning at Anna's preschool carnival.
the girls made cool crafts,
played fun games, 
and got their faces painted! Friday night was trunk or treating again, this time with our ward. there they got to hang with Aurora (aka Bree)
then continued our neighborhood tradition with chili and cornbread before hitting the streets on Saturday. 

this was the first year Anna really "got" trick or treating. she was way less afraid to go to the doors, powered by the firm knowledge that she would get candy. Maddie and Avery were more content passing out candy with dad! 

i thought this was a really cool idea, lollipop ghosts hanging on the garage - the kids really loved pulling them off!
I loving your Halloween posts!! How do you get the pictures to post so BIG?? I want to post mine that way...even when I pick "large" on the upload they don't look as big as yours...do tell!!
Sarah, i'm totally playing with the "big" thing. for many of them, i've uploaded to Photobucket.com and posted using the html code. others, i've altered the code once i uploaded them to the blog....both are time-consuming, but now i'm addicted to BIG pics!
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